Monday, April 21, 2008

EEPSEA Research Report

EEPSEA Research Reports are the outputsof research projects by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), Singapore.

***no. 2003-RR9 May 2003 (Economic evaluation of fishery policies in Lamon Bay, Quezon, Philippines by M. Campos et al.)

***no. 2004-RR5 April 2004 (Avoiding adverse health impacts from contaminated vegetables: options for three wetlands in Phnom Penh, Cambodia by S. Muong)

*** no. 2004-RR7 June 2004 (Clean incineration of solid waste: a cost-benefit analysis for Manila by L. and C. Rufo, Jr.)

***no. 2005-RR2 June 2004 (A water user fee for households in Metro Manila, Philippines, by M. Calderon et. al.)

***no. 2005-RR5 March 2005 (The environmental costs of coastal reclamation in Metro Cebu, Philippines by L. Montenegro et al.)

***no. 2005-RR6 May 2005 (Dairy cattle development: environmental consequences and pollution control options in Hanoi Province, North Vietnam by N. Q. Chinh)

***no. 2005-RR7 June 2005. Transaction costs in water markets in china's Heihe river Basin by J. Zhang.

***no. 2005-RR8 June 2005 (Barriers to water markets in China's Heihe River Basin by J. Zhang)

***no. 2005-RR10 January 2006 (Modeling choices for ecological solid waste management in suburban municipalities: user fees in Tuba, Philippines, by A.Corinthia, et al.)

***no. 2005 -RR11 January 2006 (the effectiveness of electric fencing in mitigating human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka by L. H. Gunaratne et al.)

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