Monday, May 5, 2008

EEPSEA Policy Brief

EEPSEA Policy Brief is published by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia. It summarizes the key results and lessons generated by EEPSEA-supported research projects as presented in detail in EEPSEA Research Reports.
EEPSEA Policy Briefs and Research Reports are available online at:

no. 2001-PB2--Seeding reforestation: what drives forest expansion in China?
no. 2001--PB3--Ignoring the labels: pesticide use in China
no. 2001-PB5---A park for the people, not for the powerful
no. 2001-PB6---Living with livestock: dealing with pig waste in the Philippines
no. 2001-PB14--China's fuel choice: a comparative analysis of natural gas and coal
no. 2001-PB15--Saving the soil: erosion in the upland farming systems of Vietnam.
no. 2001--PB17--Tourism makes conservation pay: the recreational value of the Hon Mun Islands in vietnam
no. 2002-PB1---Planting to protect: can forest plantations alleviate pressures on natural forests?
no. 2002-PB2---Saving the wood for thetrees: Sri Lanka's options for forest protection
no. 2002-PB5---Saving tourism from itself: attitudes and action in Thailand
no. 2002-PB7--Can free trade be clean trade?
no. 2003-PB5---Making waves: improving the management of Philippine marine reserves
no. 2003-PB6---Tracking the trade: Vietnam's illegal wildlife business
no. 2003-PB7--Planting for the future: options for upland grasslands in the Philippines
no. 2003-PB8---Pulling the plug on water mining: a groundwater conservation strategy from the Philippines
no. 2003-PB9---Fish for the future: an assessment of fishery conservation policies in the Philippines
no. 2005-PB5---New land--at what price? Land reclamation in the Philippines
no. 2005-PB6---The cattle challenge: controlling backyard pollution in North Vietnam
no. 2005-PB7---Water worries: the hidden costs of water conservation in China
no. 2005-PB8---Water woes: why water quota systems in China are not working
no. 2005-PB9---Farming vs forests: an investation from Sri Lanka
no. 2005-PB10---Funding solid waste disposal: a study from the Philippines
no. 2005-PB11---Elephants and electric fences: a study from Sri Lanka

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