Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Library Acquisitions 2009

Last updated: December 2009

Aquaculture Asia
vol 13 no 1 January-March 2008
vol 14 no. 1 January -March 2009
vol. 14 no. 3 July-September 2009

BAR Chronicles
vol 8 no. 6 June 2007
vol 8 no. 12 December 2007
vol 9 no. 1 January 2008
vol 9 no. 10 October 2008
vol 9 no. 6 June 2008
vol 9 no. 7 July 2008
vol 9 no. 11 November 2008

BAR Research and Development Digest
vol 10, no. 3 July-September 2008

Bulletin of Marine Science
vol 83 no. 1 July 2008
vol 83 no. 2 September 2008
vol 84 no 1 January 2009
vol 84 no. 2 March 2009
vol 85 no. 1 July 2009
vol 85 no. 2 September 2009

California Cooeprative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
vol 49 November 2008

Canada. Science annual report

CEAT Newsletter
Oct-December 2008
April to June 2009

Ciencias marinas
vol 30 no. 4 December 2004
vol 31 no. 4 December 2005
vol 32 no. 1B Marzo 2006

vol 14 no. 1 June 2009

Earth system Monitor
vol 17 no 3 March 2009

ehp; Environmental health Perspectives
vol 116 no. 11 November 2008
vol 116 no. 12 December 2008
vol 117 no. 1 January 2009
vol 117 no. 2 February 2009
vol 117 no. 3 March 2009
vol 117 no. 5 May 2009
vol 117 no. 6 June 2009
vol 117 no. 8 August 2009
vol 117 no. 9 September 2009
vol 117 no. 10 October 2009

Environmental biology of fishes
vol 82 no. 1 May 2008

FAO Photo Library. Recent additions to the collection. Pamphlet. no date

FAO. An FAO Emergency Programme for North Africa. FAO, 1992.16 p.

FAO. Food, Nutrition and Agriculture
no. 15 1995
Nos. 17/18 1996
no. 19 1997
no. 20 1997
no. 21 1998
no. 23 1999
no. 24 1999
no. 25 1999
no. 26 2000
no. 32 2002
no. 32 2003
no. 33 2003

FAO. A guide to staple foods of the worls. Rome, FAO, 1984. 52p.

FAO. International Conference on Nutrition. Nutrition; the global challenge. 1992. 33p.

FAN; FAO Aquaculture Newsletter
No. 21 April 1999
No. 22 August 1999
No. 23 December 1999

Farm Primer
Citrus nursery establishment and management (HARRDEC Farm Primer 02/2008
Peanut production technology (CVARRD Farm primer no. 02/2008
Kawayan tecnology (ILARRDEC Farm Primer no. 02/2008

Fish for People
vol 6 no 2 2008
vol 7 no. 1 2009
vol 7 no 2 2009

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
vol 34 no. 1 March 2008

Fishery Bulletin. U.S. Department of Commerce.
vol 106 no. 1 January 2008
vol 106 no. 2 April 2008
vol 106 no. 3 July 2008
vol 106 no 4 October 2008
vol 107 no. 1 January 2009
vol 107 no. 2 April 2009
vol 107 no. 3 July 2009
vol 107 no. 4 October 2009

Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. Fisherey Status report
no. 5 2008
no. 6 2008

Inter-American Tropical tuna Commission bulletin
vol 24 no. 1 2008

International Commission for thje Conservation of |ATlantic Tunas. Report fo the biennial period:
2008-09, part I (2008), vol. 1 English version
2008-09, part I (2008), vol 2 English version

JARQ, Japan Agricultural Research Quaterly.
vol 42 no 1 January 2008
vol 42 no. 3 July 2008
vol 42 no. 4 october 2008
vol 43 no 3 July 2009
JIRCAS newsletter
no. 55 October 2008

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences.
Annual report 2007

Journal of Taiwan Fishereis Research
vol 16 no. 2 December 2008
vol 17 no. 1 June 2009

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University
vol 54 no. 1 February 2009

Kasetsart University Fisheries Research Bulletin
vol 32 no. 1 January 2008
vol 32 no. 2 May 2008
vol 32 no. 3 September 2008
vol 33 no. 1 January 2009
vol 33 no. 2 May 2009

vol 24 , no. 4 December 2008
vol 25 no. 1 March 2009

Marine fisheries
vol 70 no 3-4 2008

Ocean & coastal Management
vol 52 no. 7 July 2009

PCARRD Farmnews.
vol. 33 July-September 2008

PCARRD Monitor
vol 36 no. 4 October-December 2008

Philippine Agricultural Mechanization Journal
vol xx14 no 2 July-December 2007

Philippine Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
vol 6 2008
vol 7 2009

Philippine Journal of Science
vol 126 no. 1 January - March 1997
vol 126 no. 2 April -June 1997
vol 126 no. 3 July - September 1997
vol 126 no. 4 October - December 1997

SEAFDEC Annual Report

SEAFDEC Newsletter
vol 31 no 3 July-September 2008

Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History. Department of Botany. Pamhlet. No date. No pagination.

Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University
vol 64 no. 1 February 2009

Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences
no. 17 1982 (about The Geneus Caulerpa from Central Visayas, Philippines)
no. 21 1982 (about seagrasses from the Philippines)

UPV Journal of Natural Sciences
vol 10 no. 2 December 2005
vol 12, no. 2 December 2007
vol 13, no. 1 June 2008

Calumpong, Hilconida P. et al. Factors affecting survival and growth of seagrass transplants on Negros Island, Central Philippines. Seagrass biology, Proceedings of an interantional workshop, rottnest island, Western australia, 25-29, January 1996, p. 378 (abstract only)
Menez, Ernani and Hilconida P. Calumbong. Halophila decipiens, an unreported seagrass from the Philippines. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 98(1), 1985, pp. 232-236 March 20, 1985.
Menez, Ernani. Thalsassodendron ciliation: an unreported seagrass in the Philippines. Micronesica, vol 18 December 1982.
Menez, Ernani et al. An account of the red alga, Portieria hornemannii (Gigartinales, Rhizophyllidaceae), from the Philippines. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 112, January, 1996


Deybert, Thomas A. 2006. Stormwater management for land development; methods and calculations for quantity control. New Jersey: Wiley. 372p. TD657 S49 2006

Dufour, Al, Mario Snozzi, Wolfgang Koster, Jamie Bartram, Eletrra Ronchi, Lorna Fewtrell, eds. 2005. Assessing microbial safety of drinking water; improving approaches and methods. Geneva: World Health Organization. 295p. QR105 A88

Geankoplis, Christie John. 2003. Principles of transport processes and separation processes. 4th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Philippine edition,2005. 1026p.

Gerardi, Michael H. 2006. Wastewater bacteria. New Jersey: Wiley.255p. TD769 G48 2006

Grover, Velma I., ed. 2006. Water; global common and global problems. New Hampshire: Science Publishers' an imprint of Edenbridge ltd. 533p. TC411 W345 2006

Horwitz, William and George W. Latimer, Jr., eds. 2007. Official methods of analysis of AOAC international. 18th. ed. Maryland: AOAC International.

James, Rachael. 2005. Marine biogeochemical cycles. 2nd. ed. England: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. 130p. SH177 S43 J36

Kazemi, Gholam A., Jay H. Lehr, and Pierre Perro
chet. 2006. Groundwater age. New Jersey: Wiley. 325p. GB1001,72 R34 K39 2006.

Murphy, Regina M. 2007. Introduction to chemical processes; principles, analysis, synthesis. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. 684p. TP155.7 M87 2007

Panchdhari, A. C. 2000. Water supply and sanitary installations (within building; design, construction and maintenance. 2nd ed. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers. 222p. TD353 P36

Sarai, Darshan Singh. 2006. Water treatment made simple. New Jersey: Wiley. 263p. TD430 S23

Seborg, Dale E., Thomas F. Edgar, and Duncan A. Mellichamp. Process dynamics and control. 2nd ed. Singapore: Wiley. 712p. TP155.75 S43

Smith, J. M., H. C. Van Ness, M. M. Abbot. Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics. Boston: McGrawHill. 817p. TP155.2 T45 S58 2005.

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